
  • Kolejowa 75
  • Łomianki, Mazowieckie, 05-092
  • Poland
  • Tel:+48 91 4694840
  • Fax:+48 91 4694869
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BERGERAT MONNOYEUR SP. Z O.O. is a provider of products and services such as surface miners, opencast mining,crawlers for opencast mining machinery and equipment,elevators and conveyors, opencast mining,loaders, mechanical, opencast mining,excavators, bucket wheel, opencast mining,excavators, bucket ladder, opencast mining,belt wagons, opencast mining,conveyor bridges, opencast mining,rock cutting machinery and equipment, opencast mining,tipplers, wagon or tub, opencast mining,cleaning equipment, mine tub, opencast mining,blasting equipment and accessories for opencast mining,landing station equipment, automatic, opencast mining,wear parts and teeth for opencast mining and quarrying equipment,alluvial mining plant and equipment,spreaders and cross pit spreaders, opencast mining,couplers, wagon and tub, opencast mining,topsoil stripping and conveying machines, opencast mining,coal and ore handling installations, complete, for opencast mining,peat processing machinery and equipment,presses for peat,salt crushers, mining,salt driers, mining,salt extraction equipment, mining,drill bits, rock drilling, for opencast mining,salt block presses, hydraulic,peat extraction equipment,construction machinery.

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