XPRO CBD Moisturizing Cream

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$ 24.99 USD / Piece


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The X-PRO CBD Moisturizing Cream by Binger Labs is designed specifically for athletes and Active individuals – Pain Relief and Recovery. All-natural certified non-GMO, hypoallergenic. 3 oz, 90ml of 750mg of CBD into a topical moisturizing moisturizing cream made for immediate and direct application onto muscles, joints, and aches.

CBD is scientifically proven to combat inflammation which is the primary cause of common ailments such as chronic pain, muscle pain and aches, joint pain and stiffness.

750mg CBD and other active ingredients are released within 30 minutes as core body temperature increases.

Immediate Relief and Quick Application

Healing and Support

Decrease Severe and acute pain relief

Reduce inflammation

Relax and support muscles

Increase circulation and Enhance Performance