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Simulator design consultants
Printed circuit board (PCB) design services
Microcircuit design services, computer aided
Mould engineering consultants, plastics processing
Aircraft engine design and development engineering consultants
Motor vehicle prototype design and construction consultants
Computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) systems consultants
Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) services
3D Component digitalisation and measuring services for CAD/CAM reverse engineering
Computer simulation of process sequences
Offset printing
Software, business activity simulation and modelling
Software, reliability engineering
Software, dimensional accuracy of gears and gearwheels
Software, measurement and control applications
Software, casting process simulation
Software, plastics injection moulding simulation
Software, construction industry
Software, architecture
Software, graphics
Software, image processing
Software, interactive computer graphics
Software, virtual reality (VR)
Software, augmented reality (AR)
Software, three-dimensional visualisation