• 2904 Graneros Lane
  • Pueblo, Colorado, 81005
  • Egyesült Államok
  • Tel:1-719-289-7477
  • Fax:1-719-289-7481
  • URL-cím:



B-TEC is available for:


Standard training classes based on SNT-TC-1A are offered in a number of NDE methods. We also offer custom training classes for special or limited NDE methods, as well as courses specifically geared to API 1104 and B31. 3 weld inspection. Our trainers have decades of experience in pipeline NDE, pipeline maintenance and engine / compressor management. A complete curriculum is available on request. Classes can be held at (1) our training center in Colorado City, Colorado, (2) at your location, or (3) at a location central to your specific needs.


Ultrasonic Flaw Detection

Ultrasonic Testing for Mechanical Integrity (OSHA PSM 1910. 119)

API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection; API 570 Process Piping Inspection;

API 653 Above Ground Storage Tank Inspection

Fixed and Portable Magnetic Particle Examination for welding, SCC, and parts inspection

Fixed and Portable Liquid Penetrant Examination for welding and parts inspection

Visual Examination / Weld Inspection (API 1104 / ASME B31. 3)

Radiographic film review



We can provide objective, thorough, and reliable assessment of procedures, documentation, data etc. For which third-party review is helpful or required.


We can help your firm make sure that you're getting value from your vendor / contractors. Btec will witness and or verify: hydrostatic testing, welding, welder qualification, welding inspection, radiographic audits for safety and film interpretation, use of proper procedures and techniques per your criteria. We will also qualify or administer performance tests to vendor / contractors to establish competency.

OTHER: BTEC also stocks and distributes NDE equipment and supplies at very competitive rates. With our sales we offer on going support and initial training as needed or requested. In addition we can repair and / or certify most brands of NDE equipment.

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Gyártó, Nagykereskedő, Elosztó

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