
  • Postbus 369
  • Alkmaar, 1800
  • ნიდერლანდები
  • ტელ:31-72-5644852
  • ფაქსი:31-72-5644831
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


Intermediary in flower bulbs, tubers and perennials.

BulbsOnaWire. Com presents a unique combination of more than 12 years experience in the field and the latest means of communication. BulbsOnaWire. Com offers a fully-fledged, reliable arbitrating service in ornamental plant cultivation products, with, among other things, bulb- and tuber products and perennials.

We would like to act as an intermediary between you and top market gardeners from The Netherlands, growing their products all over the world.

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