• 1740 Research Park Way
  • Logan, Utah, 84341-1977
  • الولايات المتحدة
  • هاتف:(435) 755-7615
  • فاكس:(435) 755-7617
  • موقع إلكتروني:



Founded in December 2000, Caisson Laboratories is rapidly establishing itself as a leader in the field of biotechnology and life sciences industries. Caisson's current product portfolio includes an extensive line of products based on plant and animal cell culture.

In 2003, Caisson merged with Apomyx Inc., a company focused on the development of plant based technologies to meet the world's growing needs for food, energy, and pharmaceuticals. Research on these technologies is moving forward with multiple products scheduled for release over the next few years.

Caisson Laboratories will continue its development of technology in both fields, seeking ways to merge the two technologies together and provide innovative solutions to the world's ever-changing needs

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