• 11223 County Road 347
  • Hawley, Texas, 79525
  • United States
  • Tel:325-280-3562
  • Fax:(325) 537-4300
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Welcome to Cigalectric

People can now choose an alternative smoking option. The development of the non-flammable electronic cigarette is revolutionizing traditional tobacco smoking and is giving people the freedom of smoking with the pleasure of quitting.

Supported by a microelectronic device in the cartridge called an atomizer, the electronic cigarette gives you the same sensation as smoking a traditional cigarette; just as a regular cigarette gives you a cloud of smoke from tobacco, the electronic cigarette gives you a cloud of smoke by vaporizing the nicotine into an odorless vapor. The simulated smoke dissipates in seconds, making pungent second-hand smoke a thing of the past.

We serving the entire US. Electronic Cigarettes nationwide.

Leader in a smoking alternative with electronic cigarettes that can be used to cut down or quit smoking traditional cigarettes. Cigalectric contains no tar, second hand smoke.

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