O nas
The company Chemstar spol. with r. about. was founded in 1995, with headquarters in Bratislava. It was formed from the management of the technical office of Ciba - Geigy (after the merger with Sandoz - Novartis), which was founded in 1991. At the beginning of its activity, the company was engaged in the exclusive representation of Novartis (registration of pesticides and seeds of field crops, market research and introduction of new products to the market, etc.), as well as the import and sale of pesticides and seeds for Slovakia. Chemstar s.r.o. grew its legal form very quickly and in 2000 was transformed into Chemstar Slovakia joint stock company.
Since then, it has been constantly building 3 basic phases of its activity:
ensuring the necessary inputs (seeds, pesticides, fertilizers...) to your growers, including a strong and prompt advisory service
refinancing of crop cultivation
effective sales of plant commodities from their growers
In the 1990s, significant changes occurred in Slovak agriculture. The structure of farms has changed, state assets have been privatized, a large number of private farmers have emerged, and there has been a strong outflow of well-founded and experienced managers - agricultural experts. Moreover, the hitherto smooth flow of money and sale of agricultural commodities has become very complicated. The creation of agro-business companies with complex services was the logical answer to solving the mentioned problem.
Danych biznesowych
11 - 50 osób