

pensions for people not profit™

Everyone needs to think about pensions. People are living longer – most of us will be living on a pension for at least 20 years. There are more exciting ways to spend your cash, but saving for retirement is important too. You don’t want to spend 20 years worrying about how to pay the bills.

Cheviot is a not for profit organisation and has been managed under trust since 1930. This means that trustees represent employers and members to make sure Cheviot is well run, your money is thoughtfully invested and investment performance is regularly monitored so you don’t need to worry.

We have an innovative approach to investment. We listen to our members – in fact members and pensioners make up nearly half of our trustees. So we know that you want investment options which:

are easy to understand

constantly monitored


provide good returns

without costing too much.

For more information about Cheviot pensions, follow one of the quick links above and find out how we can help you get the right pension.

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Cheviot Trust updated address

Our new location address:

Kingswood House, 58-64 Baxter Avenue, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 6BG, Bretland

Cheviot Trust updated website

Visit our website @ https://www.cheviottrust.com/