Corn Solution
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Corn Disease Treatment
1. Corn Rust
Common corn rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia sorghi. In years with exceptionally cool summers, and especially on late-planted fields or sweet corn, yield losses may occur when the leaves at and above the ears become severely diseased before grain fill is complete.
Dark, reddish-brown pustules may appear on any above ground part of the plant but are most abundant on the leaves. Pustules appear oval to elongate in shape, are generally small, less than 1/4 inch long, and are surrounded by the leaf epidermal layer, where it has broken through. If infections occur while the leaves are still in the whorl, these pustules may develop in bands across the surface as the leaf expands in size.
Crop science company has accumulated rich experience and could offer the corresponding high-class solutions, e.g.: DIPRO 300g/L EC.
2. Corn Sheath Blight
Corn sheath blight is a disease of corn caused by Rhizoctonia solani. The main damage is the leaf sheath, followed by the leaves, ear and wrapping leaves.
Corn sheath blight mainly affects the leaf sheaths of corn, followed by leaves, ears and their wrapping leaves. When the disease is serious, it can invade the solid stem, but generally does not cause lodging. The disease is initially infected from the leaf sheath at the base of the stem, and then infects the leaves and spreads upward. The main symptoms are light brown water-soaked small spots or moiré-like gray-white spots at the base of the leaf sheath and leaves, which eventually lead to leaf sheath corruption and leaf death.
CHICO has accumulated rich experience and could offer the corresponding high-class solutions, e.g.: TRIPO 525g/L SE.