Background check of shareholders in a Chinese company
A Chinese shareholder check looks into the background of all shareholders in a Chinese company.
The investigation will investigate and cover the following:
AIC profile of the company where the shareholders are active.
Name of shareholders (Chinese and English), company shares, paid-in capital amount and date
List of companies that the each shareholder is linked to if any. Shareholder’s ownership and capital injection in all companies they are affiliated to. Reported responsibility in other companies such as shareholder, management or legal representative.
Blacklisting Records in China’s Social Credit System – Chinese citizens that have violated the law or failed to meet court order obligations are blacklisted in a public database. Blacklisted citizens are restricted from buying flight tickets, book hotel rooms, travel abroad etc.
Litigation or court records - Normally linked to blacklisting records in China’s Social Credit System
Online and media search
The shareholder check is not able to provide personal information such as marital status, family relationships, wealth & assets. Conducting private or personal investigation infringes on privacy law in China and regarded as illegal.
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