Metallurgical Furnace
CIC main advantage in nonferrous metallurgical furnace lies in the manufacture of horizontal rotary furnace, Rotary refining furnace and bottom blown furnace. Rotary furnace is the main metallurgy furnace equipment used to treat copper and nickel sulfide in nonferrous metallurgical production. The rotary furnace does not need fuel, and only relies on the heat released by the oxidation reaction of iron and sulfur in copper and sulfur with the air blown into the heavy equipment and machinery solution to provide all the heat expenditure.
Instruction of Metallurgical Furnace
Rotary refining furnace is mainly used for refining liquid crude copper and copper mining process. The refining operation generally includes four stages: feeding, oxidation, reduction and casting. The product is to provide a qualified anode plate for copper electrolytic refining. Therefore, rotary refining furnace is also called a rotary anode furnace.