
  • 35 - 37 High Street
  • Middlesbrough, TS9 5AD
  • Bretland
  • Sími:01642710832
  • Fax:01642 712860
  • Url:

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Opticians Ophthalmic in Middlesbrough

Digital Photography - the latest high-tech

way to examine your eyes.

Business eyecare scheme.

Contact lens specialists.

Video dispensing aids.

Personal service.

"Being a family run practice for three generations shows that we are dedicated to our clients..."

Your eyesight is irreplaceable therefore you need someone you can trust to provide a first class experience every time. At Cooper & Barr we are more that happy to oblige. Open six days a week for your convenience, our kind and friendly staff are willing to go out of their way to make sure the service you receive is exceptional.

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