• Via Pren 40
  • Feltre, 32032
  • ایتالیا
  • تلفن:39-0439-300774
  • فکس:39-0439-633111
  • آدرس:

صفحه اصلی


We are an italian manufacurer of espresso coffee beans vacuum packed.

We are seeking new authorised dealers all over the world.

Our roastery is based in Gorizia Area, Italy.

The crude beans are importated from different countries.

That allows our company to offer high quality and very

Competitive prices. We offer to our customer satisfactory

Profit margin to enable clientele to work in professional

And economic way.

We sell only espresso coffee beans vacuum packed in:

NET WEIGHT: 35, 27 oz / 2, 2 lb / 1000g. We offer several espresso blends.

ادامه مطلب »
