
  • Koinange Street
  • Nairobi, 00200
  • کنیا
  • تلفن:254-723-545660
  • فکس:254-20-341382
  • آدرس:

درباره ما


Cymacef agencies is one of the leading firms in Kenya in relation to doing export and import bussiness since the year 2004 internationally. We have been issued by every legal papers by the government to conduct the bussiness at any level. we believe in effeciency when handling our customers. It started as importing and destributing company and has grown to be one of the exporting companies in Kenya. Our main area of export is Black tea, coffee, fruits and vegetables. For more inqiury please dont hesitate to contact us

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

توزیع کننده, عمده فروش

5 - 10 نفر


مکان ما