Søgeresultater for: Hvede
Gevonden 2230 bedrijvenGerelateerde categorieën
MTG Groups is a prestigious company headquartered in Istanbul.
We are trader of foodstuff, construction materials, elevators, marbles and hygiene stuffs , mostly working with African , Middle East... Lees meer »
- Fremstilling af olier og fedtstoffer | Stænger (til byggeri) | Stænger - jernholdigt metal | Kabelsamlere | F...
- Istanbul
- Tyrkiet
BCA Grain Feed Company Limited (BGFC) is a diverse, agri-business company headquartered in Arusha, Tanzania. Its principal businesses are grain elevator services (merchandising, drying, storing),... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Durra | Majs | Hvid majs | Økologisk korn | Økologisk ris | Ris | Hirse
- Arusha
- Tanzania
In YOULOR WORLD TRADE Export Import, we are number one to close deals around the world, we are a company dedicated on Export and Import, food, electrics, autos, etc.
Our compromise is locate... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Valnødder | Pekannødder, amerikanske valnødder | Friske avocadoer | Krabber | Sukker | Seefood krydderi | Sy...
- Lakewood
About us: At Bloom Packaging, we make High Barrier innovative packages and designs that have revolutionized the liquid packaging concept in India. It is the passion for innovation and excellence... Lees meer »
- Indkøbsagenter, papir og pap | Hvede | Diesel generatorer | Dele til elektriske motorer, generatorer og transformatorer ...
- Mumbai
- Indien
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are trading Maize (For Human Consumption and for Cattle & Poultry feed), Dry Red Chillies, Spice Board (Government of India organisation) approved Spices, White Rice and... Lees meer »
- Majs | Majs | Gul majs | Basmati ris | Peber og peberfrugt | Fødevarer hvede | Ris | Asiatisk ris | Majs ordinære
- Indien
We are "PETRUS" group of companies. See more detailed information at our web-site (www.petrus.com.ua)
We incorporate and manage couple companies of different production type. Our main... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Rug | Durra | Majs | Boghvede | Ris | Byg | Hirse
- Kyiv
- Ukraine
Our company ATOMOS is starting with a new power projects and in this nature we are looking out for used Turbine machines for our pilot plant. We would like to examine the machine to see if it is... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Papiraffald | Motorblok | Andre jern | Andre brugte maskiner | Jernmalme | Agro produkter & råvarer
- Mumbai
- Indien
We are exporter of white grain rice such as Long grain white rice, Jasmine white Rice double polished Grade 1, ST5 white rice, Sushi Rice, Round Grain rice, Medium White Grain rice, short grain rice... Lees meer »
- Landbrug - import-eksport | Hvede | Blazei | Ottearmet blæksprutte | Kaffe, malet | Ris | Rejer
- Ho Chi Minh City
- Vietnam
Since 2010, we "Flochem Pumps & Engineers" have been offering high end Industrial Centrifugal Pump. Today, we are counted among the key Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of... Lees meer »
- Svejsning | Elektricitetsproduktions- og elektricitetsforsyningsindustrien, installatører | Fugtisolering | ...
- Ahmedabad
- Indien
Ligerion Group is a consulting, trade facilitation and investment group residing in Moscow, Russia focusing on legal representation of foreign clients in Russia and CIS, business development and... Lees meer »
- Juridisk konsulentvirksomhed | Hvede | Økologisk korn | Olieholdige frø | Sukker | Havre
- Moskva
- Rusland
About Xuzhou New Hitech Silica Materials Co., Ltd Our specialty lies in our ability to manufacture and export a comprehensive assortment of Fused Silica as well as Crystal Silica materials in China.... Lees meer »
- Svejsning | Elektricitetsproduktions- og elektricitetsforsyningsindustrien, installatører | Fugtisolering | ...
- Xinyi
- Kina
Kobimar is the leading company who is specialized in supporting Turkish SME's (Small and Middle Sized Enterprises) for export and import fields. Thanks to our office in far east and our... Lees meer »
- Marketingstrategi, konsulenter | Import og eksport, rådgivere | Teknisk rådgivning til eksportører (internationale st...
- İzmir
- Tyrkiet
We, Geeta Industries, stepped into the market in the year 1971. We are an ISO 901:2008 accredited manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Milk Cans, Lockable Milk Cans, Dressing Drums, Can Plunger and... Lees meer »
- Kugleventiler | Hvede | Garn | Plastprodukter | Æsker, kartoner, pap eller karton | Emballage kasser | Børnesenge, m...
- New Delhi
- Indien
The company was established at new Delhi, India in the year 1996 is doing international trading of following products
Import to India-
1. Fresh fruits and vegetables
2. Mobile charger and other... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Bananer | Ananas | Mangofrugter | Dadler | Avocadoer | Babacofrugt | Durian | Feijoa | Mangostan
- New Delhi
- Indien
AD Enterprises is a leading company specialised in supplying all Agriculture, Textiles, health care products and services to meet the needs of manufacturing and trading companies located across the... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Friske mango | Garn | Polyestergarn | Andre dele til cykler | Kædegarnsstrikkemaskiner | ...
- Valsad
- Indien
An ISO 9001:2008 certified entity specializing in switches and other home electrical accessories. Guided by highest order of innovation and quality, we, Milltec Industries, have emerged as a ... Lees meer »
- Svejsning | Elektricitetsproduktions- og elektricitetsforsyningsindustrien, installatører | Fugtisolering | ...
- Mumbai
- Indien
- Hvede | Frosne frugter | Garn | Røgelse | Andre baby forsyninger og produkter | Tændstikker | Rå silke garn | Iv & in...
- Madurai
- Indien
Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers Of Agro Products, Coal & Coke Products, Textiles, Fertilizers & Steel Scrap, Marine Products, Petrochemicals, Hydrocarbons, Vegetable... Lees meer »
- Olieraffinaderier | Jordforbedringsmidler til gartnerier og haver | Flis og granulat af frugtskaller og nøddeskaller ...
- Ahmedabad
- Indien
Chifeng Jiusheng Economy Trade Co.,Ltd based in Inner Mongolia, China, is originally established as Chifeng Zhenghe Industry and Trade co.,ltd in 1997.
We are specializing in buckwheat processing... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Økologisk korn | Sojabønner | Vigna bønner | Kidneybønner | Mung bønner | Sorte bønner | Organiske bønner | Melo...
- Chifeng
- Kina
Multiko Packaging has established as a quality Manufacturer Exporter for Packaging Machines, Bagging Machines, Ancilliary Packaging Machinery, Filling Machines, Sealing Machines, Liquid Packaging... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Sojabønner | Friske bananer | Friske mango | Gummi & gummiprodukter
- Ahmedabad
- Indien
Dyer Group International established by professional management, having more than 20 years experience in sales marketing with world leading MNCs and Indian corporate companies. We deliver best... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Sort te | Kaffe, malet | Korn snacks | Fiberoptiske lys | Salt
- Vadodara
- Indien
R. K. International is govt approved export house. We believe in long terms business relation we have very competitive prices with good quality timely delivery. We are leading exporter We are... Lees meer »
- Andre reklamevirksomhed | Hvede | Friske bananer | Stoffer | Undervisning
- Ludhiana
- Indien
VIBGYORS existence is felt on a regular basis. Through the spices in your all most all food items, through the various grains oil seeds in your daily meal, we in some way impact the lives of so many... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Kikærter | Organiske bønner | Solsikkekerner | Agro produkter & råvarer
- Rajkot
- Indien
Rajasthan Agro Product Jaipur is renowned organization engaged in processiong, exporting and importer a pure Agro Products such as Cattle Feed, Dry Fruits, Grinded Indian Spices, HPS Groundnuts and... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Fodertilsætningsstoffer | Frosne frugter | Tørret frugt | Agro produkter & råvarer | Gummi & gummiprodukter
- Jaipur
- Indien
Kohenoor International was formed in 1957 is based in South of Pakistan. Company has one of the most recognized name in Agriculture both in Pakistan and worldwide.
Kohenoor International is The... Lees meer »
- Hvede | Vigna bønner | Foderplanter frø | Frosne frugter | Ris
- Hyderabad
- Pakistan
Exporters & Importers of Pig Hair Bristles, Paint BrushHandles, Paint Brush Ferules, Complete Paint Brushes,Painter Rollers,Tools & All Allied Items.
- Servicebureauvirksomhed i forbindelse med databehandling | Datagenvinding, datagenfinding | Dataindlæsning | ...
- New Delhi
- Indien
About Metal Craft Flexibles We are manufacturer, supplier and trader of a comprehensive assortment of Tractor Attachments. These attachments include Loader, Tractor Loader, Front End Tractor Loader,... Lees meer »
- Svejsning | Elektricitetsproduktions- og elektricitetsforsyningsindustrien, installatører | Fugtisolering | ...
- Alwar
- Indien