
  • 1728 Virginia Beach Blvd. Suite 105
  • Va.Beach, Virgin Islands
  • ארצות הברית
  • תל:1-757-428-8822
  • פקס:1-757-428-5757
  • כתובת אתר:



Katec incorporated develops, manufactures and initiates distribution

Of specialty environmental products utilized by manufacturing facilities, utilities, federal and governmental agencies and service industries worldwide. Katec has developed several patented products dealing with environmental concerns, specifically the recycling of aerosol cans, as a means of avoiding regulated hazardous waste disposal.

The aerosolv� aerosol can recycling system empties aerosol cans safely, easily and inexpensively; filters propellant gas; collects the liquid contents and recovers the scrap metal for recycling, eliminating an entire hazardous waste stream for regulated generators.

Aerosolv� is the sole technology tested and approved in the environmental technology verification program, a certification process developed by the united states environmental protection agency. The aerosolv� technology is the first and only system to be certified by the california epa and department of the navy as required equipment aboard naval vessels. The department of the navy has recently awarded the aerosolv gsa distributor a five year contract for supply of the aerosolv� system to navy ships worldwide. Currently over 25,000 aerosolv� systems are in use worldwide by virtually every type manufacturing company, universities, federal and state agencies and service industry imagineable.

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