
  • Hvidkaervej 33
  • Odense, Syddanmark, 5250
  • Denmark
  • Tel:+45 66 17 17 42
  • Fax:+45 66 17 17 90
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DALUISO A/S is a provider of products and services such as machine safety system engineering consultants,burners, road,road signs and markers, plastic,pads and cones, plastic, for road traffic guidance,road delineators, plastic, reflecting,catseyes (road surface reflectors), plastic,road studs, plastic,tapes, road marking, ready-made,strips, plastic laminate, for road and airport markings,bins, plastic, grit or salt storage, roadside,emergency columns, plastic, for motorways,chains, plastic, for beacons,milestones, plastic,kerbstones, plastic,landing stages, plastic,shelters, plastic, for passengers,road barriers, plastic,compounds, plastic, for road and airport markings,frames, plastic, for road signs and town display boards,casings, plastic, for traffic-lights,street lighting poles, plastic,compounds, road surfacing, anti-skid, plastic,voice announcer systems, digital,hotel communication systems, complete,call distributors,emergency telephones, portable, gps/gsm,telephone intercommunication systems, wireless, indoor,telephone intercommunication equipment, sub-sea,telephone intercommunication equipment, industrial,telephone intercommunication equipment, flameproof,telephone intercommunication equipment, loudspeaker type,telephone intercommunication equipment, push-button types,telephone intercommunication equipment, direct speech,loudspeakers, hazardous area, explosion proof,echo rooms, artificial,audio-visual (av) synchronising equipment,faders, electronic, recording studio,modulators for audio equipment,audio production control desks and mixing stands, professional, studio and portable,lacquer recording blanks, studio master discs,components for professional recording equipment,sound editing equipment,films and tapes for industrial recording,professional duplicators for audio cassettes,digital audio tape (dat) duplication equipment,duplicating, winding and packaging machines for audio cassette tapes,recorders, laser, audio,recorders, magnetic tape, industrial,voice communication recorders, multichannel,mixers and consoles, audio,voice processing systems, modular,sound synthesis appliances, audio reproduction,synthesizers, voice,music recording studio installations, complete,sound mixing and reproduction equipment for music group use,recording and playback equipment, recording studio,sound recording systems, centralised, remote,soundtrack recording and playback equipment, film,torches, electric,torches, rechargeable battery,torches, electric, solar powered,torches, weatherproof, electric,torches, electric, dynamo,torches, electric, shake,torches, flameproof and explosion proof, electric,penlights,lamps, portable, watertight,lamps and lanterns, rechargeable battery,lamps, portable, clip-on, electric,lamps, portable, fluorescent, electric,lamps, rubber, magnetic,laser flashlamps,torches, electric, portable, for medical applications,torches and lamps, electric, for miners,floodlights, low voltage (lv), portable,searchlights, portable, electric,floodlights, electric,floodlight projectors and towers, electric,components and accessories for portable electric lamps and torches,counterbalance suspension devices for electric lamps,inspection lamps, portable, electric,street lighting control equipment,electric lighting equipment, explosion proof,electric lighting equipment, flameproof,electric lighting equipment, emergency, outdoor,electric lighting equipment, underwater,electric lighting equipment, marine use,electric lighting equipment for lighthouse beacon lanterns,electric lighting equipment for docks and harbours,electric lighting equipment for airfields,electric lighting equipment for tunnels or underpasses,electric lighting equipment for mines,electric lighting equipment for hazardous areas,electric lighting equipment for graves and cemeteries,electric lighting equipment, area, outdoor,electric lighting equipment for machine tools,diffusers, external lighting,pole lights, electric, outdoor,lighting equipment, portable, for military use,advertising signs, outdoor, electroluminescent,advertising signs, outdoor, electric,background lighting systems, fibre optic, outdoor use,electric signs, illuminated, outdoor,shop signs, electrical,rope lights,street decorations, electric,street lighting equipment, electric,lighting fittings, outdoor, domestic,lighting equipment, mobile, external,signalling and traffic control equipment for roadworks,hand tools, road maintenance,saws for asphalt and concrete,scarifiers/rippers, road,shot-blasting machines, road surface,cold milling machines, road,soil stabilisers and cold recyclers combined, road repair,road verge maintenance machinery and equipment,marking machines for roads, car parks and floors,road marking equipment, pedestrian operated,road marking removers, mechanical,gritters, road maintenance,gravel spreaders, truck/lorry mounted, for road verges,sand, grit and salt bins, roadway,road cleaning machines, ecological,road sweeping machines,aerial ladders, truck mounted, road maintenance,drain cleaning equipment, road maintenance,crash cushions, truck mounted,recycling plant, road making materials,road maintenance vehicles, multi-purpose,road cleaning vehicles, electric,vehicles, pressure cleaning, for pipelines and sewers,salt and sand spreading vehicles, trailed, road maintenance,salt and sand spreaders, truck/lorry mounted,disinfection vehicles,recovery vehicles for dog droppings,sprinkler vehicles, road cleaning,road sweeper and collector vehicles,road sweeper and sprinkler vehicles,gully emptying vehicles, cesspit emptying vehicles,components for road cleaning vehicles,function control units for road cleaning vehicles,snowblowers, motorised, pedestrian controlled,snowploughs and snow clearing vehicles,components and accessories for snow clearing machinery,snowplough attachments for vehicles and tractors,beach cleaning machines,frames for temporary road signs,road drying machines, pedestrian operated,electronic article surveillance (eas) systems, acousto-magnetic,electronic article surveillance (eas) systems, electromagnetic,electronic article surveillance (eas) systems, radio frequency (rf),signalling equipment for firing ranges,signalling discs, police,warning devices, emergency, voice synthesis,electric lighting systems, security, fence or perimeter,lamps, portable, safety and emergency, electric,searchlights,warning and signal lamps, electric, portable,air traffic warning lights, electric, roof mounted,signalling lights and morse lamps, marine,rumble strips, self-adhesive, plastic,building materials, manufacture - machinery and equipment.

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