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Humidifiers, grain processing
Heaters, direct fire and steam, lactose production
Kneading and mixing machines and equipment, pasta manufacturing
Roller mills, pasta manufacturing
Extruders, pasta production
Extruder heads, pasta manufacturing
Cutting and folding machines, pasta manufacturing
Driers, pasta manufacturing
Shaping machines, strip pasta
Cleaners, multiple sifter, for small pasta
Forms and moulds, pasta manufacturing
Precooked pasta production plant
Spaghetti and macaroni manufacturing machines
Ravioli and tortellini manufacturing machines
Cannelloni and lasagne manufacturing machines
Gnocchi manufacturing machines, pasta manufacturing
Washing machines for pasta extruders
Mills, dough waste recovery, pasta manufacturing
Rice noodle making machines
Kneading and mixing machinery and equipment, confectionery
Moulding plant and equipment, confectionery
Extruding plant, confectionery
Depositing plant, confectionery
Hot and cold tables, confectionery
Ovens, confectionery
Coating machinery and equipment, confectionery
Cutting machinery and equipment, confectionery
Starch processing plant and equipment, confectionery
Breaking and crushing equipment, sugar confectionery
Crushers and sifters, sugar, for confectioners
Sieves, sugar confectionery manufacturing
Sugar cookers, confectionery
Refining machines for sugar confectionery
Sugar spraying equipment, sugar confectionery manufacturing
Chocolate spraying equipment, confectionery
Blanching equipment, confectionery
Pans, confectionery
Skips, rocking or turning, sugar confectionery manufacturing
Nut processing machinery and equipment, confectionery
Rollers, confectionery production
Fondant plant and equipment, confectionery
Boiled sweet production plant and equipment
Candyfloss making machines
Jelly and gum plant
Marshmallow plant
Marzipan plant
Nougat plant
Nut brittle manufacturing equipment
Honeycombed sweets production lines
Lozenge plant and equipment, confectionery
Lollipop plant
Liquorice plant, confectionery
Chewing gum plant
Decaffeinating plant, coffee
Extractors, continuous or column type, coffee processing
Chicory washing equipment
Casein extraction and drying machinery
Casein curdling tanks and vats
Curd breakers for casein
Presses, continuous, for casein
Concentrators and concentration measuring instruments, lactose production
Driers, lactose
Filters, lactose production
Lactose manufacturing plant, complete
Milking parlours, complete
Milking stalls, dairy farm
Milking machines, ewe
Milking machines, goat
Pulsators, milking machine
Milking stools
Milk churns
Milk churns, self-cooling
Sterilisation equipment for milking machines
Udder washers
Udder hair removers
Milking machine accessories
Sterilising and cleaning equipment for dairy utensils
Milking machines
Milk collection and cooling stations, complete, farm use
Milk cooling and refrigeration equipment, farm use
Milk production meters, electronic, dairy farm
Tanks for milk and whey, dairy farm
Skimmers, dairy farm
Butter making machines, dairy farm
Butter moulds, dairy farm
Condensed milk plant, complete
Powdered milk plant, complete
Evaporated milk plant
Condensed milk concentrators, vacuum
Emulsifiers for powdered milk
Milk powder driers
Pumps, high pressure, powdered milk production
Milk powder reconstitution plant
Granulators for dairy products
Entoleters, centrifugal, grain cleaning and processing
Grain huskers, industrial
Grain driers, continuous, industrial
Grain breaking plant
Grain sieving plant
Grain plansifters, industrial
Grain grading machinery
Grain flaking machinery
Stone removing machinery and equipment, flour mill
Grain and corn/maize brushing machines, industrial
Bran brushes and bran brushing machines
Grain mixing machinery
Grain conditioning plant
Suction winnowers, light cereal fraction separation
Grain handling plant and equipment, industrial
Unloaders, silo, grain and corn/maize pre-processing plant
Feeders, cereal flour, industrial
Grain sampling equipment, industrial
Corn/maize processing plant, complete
Seed dressing (coating) plant and equipment
Elevators, grain, industrial
Grain milling plant and equipment, industrial, complete
Flour mills, dry grinding
Flour mills, hammer
Flour mills, roller
Flour mills, stone
Flour mills, blade
Flour cleaning plant
Flour drying plant
Flour sifting plant
Flour mixing plant
Flour hoppers and silos
Flour handling plant, mechanical and pneumatic
Driers, wheat, for flour mills
Vibrators for flour mills
Rice cleaning and drying plant
Rice hullers and polishers
Cereal hullers, peelers and polishers
Rice sorting and separating equipment
Rice whitening machines
Rice glazing machines
Breakers and crushers, rice
Mills, rice
Rice sack opening machines
Filters for grain milling machinery and equipment
Flour recovery plant
Rolls, grooved, flour mill
Rolls, smooth, reduction, flour mill
Rolls, hollow and corrugated, flour mill
Millstones, flour mill
Grooving and grinding services for flour mills
Polishing and grooving machines for flour mill rolls
Couscous making plant and equipment
Machinery for semolina production plant
Installation services, couscous making plant
Starch production plant and equipment, complete
Evaporators and driers, starch works
Settling tanks and equipment, starch production
Crushers for starch
Starch sieving equipment
Glucose/dextrose manufacturing plant
Evaporators, vacuum, glucose production
Autoclaves and agitators, glucose/dextrose production
Dextrin production plant and equipment
Fructose/laevulose manufacturing plant
Filters, glucose/dextrose production
Grain separating plant, industrial
Separators and cleaners combined (zigzags), cereal processing
Starch extractors and separators
Mould cleaning machines, pasta manufacture
Beating and cleaning machines for flour sacks
Centrifuges for lactose and casein production
Measuring and control equipment, pasta manufacturing
Grain driers, industrial