Про нас
We are a leading northern New England lighting, audio, and multi-media solution provider for live events and theatrical production.
With decades of on-going experience at the drawing board, on the road, at work behind lighting and sound consoles, and on the ground in all types of theatres and production settings, we are committed to excellence in design and implementation.
Offering quality equipment and superior service for all types of events and venues:
* Theatres
* Schools
* Places of Worship
* Museums
* Clubs
* Weddings
* Corporate Events
* Festivals
Please browse our website or contact us for immediate service.
We work with everyone, from elementary school teachers to White House officials. View our online albums to see some of our past events such as weddings, fund raisers, music festivals, and more!
Комерційна інформація
Товар наявності
Товар наявності
5 - 10 осіб