• PO Box 590
  • Crossfield, Alberta, T0M 0S0
  • 캐나다
  • 전화:(403) 946-4551
  • 팩스:(403) 946-5093
  • URL:

회사 소개


Davis-Rairdan has joint production and marketing agreements with most of the elite

purebred beef cattle producers in Western Canada. This allows us to provide high quality

proven beef cattle genetics which are custom suited to any international market. All of

our embryos are frozen as quality grade one based on the International Embryo Transfer

Society grading system.

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants is located near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has more

than 30 years of experience in the field of bovine embryo transfer. We have exported in

excess of 50,000 cattle embryos to more than 30 countries and can handle all aspects

of international embryo shipments. Davis-Rairdan is certified by the Canadian Embryo

Transfer Association and approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to produce

embryos for export. Our embryo transfer team has been involved in several large scale

embryo transfer projects around the world including Russia, Hungary, Colombia and


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