• 755 boulevard saint-jean, suite 200
  • Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5M9
  • Канада
  • Тэл:514-693-8500
  • Факс:514-693-5352
  • Адрас:

Dial-Office IP-PBX

Тэлефонныя станцыі прыватныя (учрежденческие) і офісныя АТС віртуальныя (ip-АТС, ip pbx / voip pbx)



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Апісанне тавару

Dial-Office is a full-featured IP PBX software designed specifically for the voice and network convergence market. Based entirely on the SIP standard platform, this IP PBX solution comes with advanced business features that were previously available exclusively with costly circuit-switched enterprise telephone systems.

Dial-Office IP PBX delivers reliable, low-cost VoIP office lines to small- & mid-sized business using an established Local Area Network. This award-winning VoIP solution provides end-users with crystal -clear voice quality and a series of interactive business apps designed to increase productivity, lower communication costs and enhance customer service.

For more information, visit www.dialexia.com