• 3002-1211 Melville Street
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 0A7
  • קנדה
  • תל:604.681.4653
  • פקס: 604.568.6607
  • כתובת אתר:

The Atlin Ruffner High grade silver project

חקירה של כסף

על פי בקשה

1 שנה (ים)


תיאור שירות

The Atlin Ruffner Project consists of one 20 Unit and 28 crown granted mineral claims in the Atlin mining division in northwestern British Columbia. The property was the subject of intermittent small-scale mining from 1916 through 1981 and has several small underground workings developed on the property. The only drilling reported to date on the Number 2 and 4 veins occurred in 1951 and again in 1967-8 and totaled approximately 4,000 metres mostly from underground workings. Since 1968 other than intermittent production only surface geological, geochemical and geophysical work has been conducted on the property.