• Jeollanam-do, Bio Pharmaceutical Research Center, # 121, Naepyeng-ri, Hwasun-eup
  • Hwasun-Gun, 519-801
  • 대한민국
  • 전화:82-61-373-7643
  • 팩스:82-61-373-7642
  • URL:

메인 페이지


We are manufacturer of natural oriental herb and materials for human body

and we have a research and development to hair loss prevention and dandruff improvement also we can help improve the hair problem

Our products are treatment shampoo and hair tonic and inner skincare products too.

The main products are

1. Damoae Therapy Shampoo.

2. Damoae Therapy Hair Tonic

3. Damoae Luxury Shampoo

4. Damoae Hair tonic

5. Atojaim

6. Ariyan

The mystery of citrus peel,power of the natural oriental herb medicine

Natural oriental medicine which is composed of eatable herb medicine alone is so safe that you can solve the loss of hair, hair growth, Anti-dandruff, demodex folliculorum and other problem of hair and scalp. No chemical additives, which consist of 16 natural oriental medicine.

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