О нама
Computer Software (Development) in Shoreham-by-Sea
e-Advantage Solutions provides enterprise level software and services to smaller businesses cost-effectively.
TeamLink Advantage- business management system for SMEs
Modules available:
Telemarketing Management System
Customer Relationship Management System
Contact Management System
Resource Management System
Document Management System
Email Management system
Task & Time Management, shared calendars, system
Knowledge Management System
Project Management System
Risk Management System
Corporate Communications Systems
Paperless Office System
Personnel Records System
Product database
Support Tracking System
Computer Telephony Interface
Hosted Solution, the ASP Advantage
Business Process Management System
These are the sort of problems which SMEs face on a day by day basis. You can start with your key need and then, if you want to, gradually adopt other functionality as you wish. We have created, based on the eLink Suite, a standard business management system which suits many services sector and contracting companies, saving each client unnecessary costs.
We discuss your special areas of concern and may make minor 'personalisation' tweaks which normally only take 2-3 man days, making it a very cost-effective way of getting a totally tailored solution, unique to you.
Here we need to describe what's available to you 'out-of 'the-box' and to state that amendments are easy to make, they can be made on-line within the 'live' system and therefore are at minimal cost or your own staff can be trained quite quickly and we're always ready, standing by.
Optional Extras: Alerts and automated reports
Accounting Systems, a simpler way
Sales Opportunity Management
Sales Lead Qualification
For more details call us
Microsoft Partner
ORACLE Partner
The level of of integration of the software in order to provide the most effective service for companies in the services and contractor sectors and the facility that we provide the software as an on-line service so that you can use it anywhere.
Keywords: Shared Calendars, Sales Force Administration, Mobile CRM, Project Control, business management, Sales Opportunity Management
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