
  • 1235 Activity Dr.
  • Vista, California, 92081
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:1-760-734-1867
  • فکس:1-760-734-1576
  • آدرس:

درباره ما


Earth Source Organics manufacturers wheat free, gluten and nut free, dairy free and soy free chocolate. We are a certified organic facility that also does product development, formulation and much more. We are an organic, vegan, kosher, gluten free co-packer of raw, dry ingredients. We also export 100$ RAW, ORGANIC Cacao, Maca, Mesquite, and many more organic superfoods at the lowest prices

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

سازنده, توزیع کننده

5 - 10 نفر


مکان ما