eBSEG Digital Chatbot Platform
![অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ব্যাংকিং ও stockbroking জন্য সফটওয়্যার](https://supplyautonomy.com/asset/showImage/959563/অ-য-প-ল-ক-শন-ব-য-ক-ও-stockbroking-জন-য-স.jpeg)
পণ্যের বিবরণ
Digital Bot platform is provided for Banking and Insurance.
eBSEG has packaged its Digital Bot Platform for security, Commercial and Regulatory requirements to be hosted on Perm and with a one-time payment model to suit Banks, Insurance, and Gov Entities' requirements.
Chatbot channels are Facebook messenger, WhatsApp Business, SMS, Routing to Call Center Text Agent, Siri and Alexa. The supported languages are English, Arabic, and Franco-Arab.
For more info: https://ebseg.com/Digital-Bot-Platform.html