• 2425 N Central Expy Ste 400
  • Richardson, Texas, 75080
  • ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატები
  • ტელ:972-346-8186
  • ფაქსი:972-499-7283
  • Url:

ჩვენს შესახებ


Eleviant Tech (CTG Group) is a USA based digital transformation company with expertise in Mobile, Cloud, Web, IoT, AR, RPA, and AI Technologies, catering to industries like Manufacturing, Logistics, Retail, Healthcare, Finance, and Services. With over 250+ professionals spread across the globe, we have assisted businesses ranging from Startups to F500s. We have built 500+ Mobile Apps, 350+ web portals, and 100+ automation /engagement solutions.

We create solutions that achieve business goals and fuel transformative growth – not just as a provider, but as a true partner.

Deploy the right technologies to elevate and scale your business to quickly identify and mine market possibilities with our expert digital transformation consulting services.

ბიზნეს მონაცემები

არ არის შესაძლებელი

სამუშაოს შემსრულებელი

501 - 1000 ადამიანი


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