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Programming services
Computer programming activities
Other information technology and computer service activities
Programming and software
Computer and information technology services
Other computer and information technology services
Database-management system
Applications software
Computer programs
Utilities software
Multimedia software
Operating systems, system development and system software
Software, mathematics and statistics applications
Software, medical scanner
Software, radiology
Software, medical analysis laboratories
Software, biometric recognition
Software, video surveillance systems
Software, scientific applications
Software, image analysis
Software, interactive multimedia
Software, interactive television games
Software, video playing or editing
Miscellaneous computer systems
Electronic data management (EDM)
Software, multimedia
Database software package
Database systems
Open systems operating systems
Real-time operating system software package
Operating systems
Analytical or scientific software package
Mathematical or forecasting software package
Computer services
Computer software, writing
Computer system designers and consultants
Computer code, authors
Operating systems, computer software
Computer consultants