Otsingu tulemused: Kartulid
Leitud 738 ettevõttedKategooriad
Eelistatud nimekirjad on seotud: Kartulid
MEG ZA IMPEX PTY LTD Food Stuff Trading, has been established as an International Business Agro-Commodities house. Importing, distributing and exporting state-of-art Birds and Animal feeds, Fresh... Loe edasi »
- Mais | Täisviljatooted | Kõva nisu | speltanisu | Ts'iili hanemalts | Mais | Kollane mais | Valge terad | Basmati riisi ...
Welcome to Bart s Potato Company
Bart s Potato Company is an independent, family owned business established more than 40 years ago.
As the name suggests Bart s Potato Company specialise in... Loe edasi »
- Kartulid ja kuivatatud köögiviljad | Kartulid | Porgandid | Peakapsas | Toiduks tarvitatavad aedviljad, juured ja m...
- Vleteren
- Belgia
Taves Family Farms is celebrating its 24th season! That's over two decades since we opened our doors and started welcoming people to enjoy our family farm.
We invite you to come and visit us... Loe edasi »
- Põllumajandus | Mais | Paprikad | Kõrvits | Tomatid, väikeseviljalised | Sõstrad | Tikrid | Õunad | Ploomid | Värsked to...
- Abbotsford
- Kanada
We were incepted in the year 2015, with an objective to become world’s largest exporter of agro products. It was incepted by honourable Mr. Atul D. Dusane, the CEO of the company, who gave a new d... Loe edasi »
- Mais | Kõva nisu | Pehme vili | Basmati riisi | Kartulid | Riis
- Malegaon
- India
In the last years many producer organizations were established in Hungary. These organizations decided to compete for the Producer Organization (PO) title. In the European Union in the regulation of... Loe edasi »
- Kartulid | Porgandid | Virsikud | Värsked virsikud | Värske paprika | Värske kartul | Värsked tomatid | Kapsas | Tomat |...
- Ulles
- Ungari
The Little Potato Company is focused solely on the careful breeding, growing, packaging &
marketing of proprietary little creamer potatoes. All our varieties have outstanding flavours,
great... Loe edasi »
- Kartulid | Värske kartul | Kartulid ja kartulitooted | Poolvalmis krõbekartulid (friikartulid) | Kartulikrõpsud | Ka...
- Edmonton
- Kanada
We, thezonelife, are the Trade Company that is exporting great Korean products to overseas countries with the goal of supplying the better products for the world.
We've continually tried our... Loe edasi »
- Puu- ja köögiviljakasvatajate ühistud | Viinamarjakasvatajate ühistud | Lihatootjate ühistud | Põllumajandustoodete varu...
- Seoul
- Lõuna-Korea
Nutrigilde Seville is a company dedicated to nutrition services and advanced aesthetics. With several centers in Seville and its province, Nutrigilde focuses its customer service and thus will create... Loe edasi »
- Kosmeetilise hoolduse teenused | Dieet- ja mahepõllundustooted | Sööda kartul | Slimming toitumine | Kosmeetikud | To...
- Umbrete
- Hispaania
Heppell’s Potato Corporation grows potatoes and squash in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Our products are distributed locally under the Heppell’s brand name and across Western Canada under th... Loe edasi »
- Kartuli töötlemine ja säilitamine | Kartulid | Kartulid ja kartulitooted | Hulgimüük kartul | Kartulid, saag...
- Surrey
- Kanada
The organisation SURAJBALA EXPORTS PVT. LTD. was formed to cater the domestic and global requirements of the market. The company formed by some of the best brains in corporate world offers wide... Loe edasi »
- Suhkrupeet | Kartulid | Maguskartul/bataat | Peet | Porgandid | Sibulad | Naerid | Mädarõigas | Porrulauk | P...
- New Delhi
- India
AGRI PRODUCTION is a company that operates in the Tunisian fruit and vegetable sector. Its business extends to the growing, packing and sale of potatoes, squashes, watermelons, pomegranates etc… The m... Loe edasi »
- Puuvili ja köögivili - import ja eksport | Põllumajandus - import ja eksport | Kartulid | Istikud, sibulad ja se...
- Padua
- Tuneesia
- Jookide, karastusjookide ja õlle ostuagendid | Mööbli ja vaipade ostuagendid | Nahkade ostuagendid | Jalatsite ja na...
- Chevilly Larue
- Prantsusmaa
We purchase fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables for the Romanian distribution market , we are continously looking for partners and producers that are interested in expanding their market and are... Loe edasi »
- Riis | Kartulid | Köögivili, värske | Taimsed õlid | Toiduõlid ja -rasvad | Suhkur
- Rumeenia
Edmonton Potato Growers is a wholesale supplier of Alberta-grown top quality seed
potatoes. We produce many varieties of whites, russets, reds, yellows and several exotic
and specialty types.
Our... Loe edasi »
- Kartuli töötlemine ja säilitamine | Kartulid | Värske kartul | Seemnekartul | Kartulid ja kartulitooted | Hulgimüük kart...
- Edmonton
- Kanada
Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd. is a premium quality seed potato exporter, supplying seed
and commercial growers in Canada, the United States and Mexico. We are located in the
heart of central Alberta,... Loe edasi »
- Kartuli töötlemine ja säilitamine | Kartulid | Seemnekartul | Kartulid ja kartulitooted | Hulgimüük kartulikrõpsud | Kar...
- Edmonton
- Kanada
- Toa- ja kasvuhoonetaimed, lilled | Suhkrupeet | Kartulid | Maguskartul/bataat | Peet | Porgandid | Sibulad | Naerid |...
- Saint Barthélémy D'Anjou
- Prantsusmaa
- Rahandusasutused | Suhkrupeet | Kartulid | Maguskartul/bataat | Peet | Porgandid | Sibulad | Naerid | Mädarõigas | P...
- Amstelveen
- Holland
Bij Aardappelshop.nl koopt u aardappelen die direct afkomstig zijn van de boer. Of u nu op zoek bent naar frietaardappelen, kruimige aardappelen of vastkokende aardappelen. Bij Aardappelshop vindt u... Loe edasi »
- Kartulid | Sibulad | Bataat
- Randwijk
- Holland
/Działalność (j.angielski): Activity profile: production, export, import, wholesale of foodstuff. Assortment offer: products for confectionery industry : roasted fruit, fruit in gel, thermo – stable f... Loe edasi »
- Puuvill | Lina | Ramjee/lumivalge bömeenia | Bambuseroog | Pilliroog | Rotangpalmiroog | Palmilehed | Broomcorn | ...
- Kraków
- Poola
Exporter of washed and unwashed, packed and industrial-grade potatoes - very wide range of yellow & red potato varieties, onions & carrots. Bruwier Potatoes n.v. enjoys its unique reputation... Loe edasi »
- Kartulid | Toiduks tarvitatavad aedviljad, juured ja mugulad | Kartuli kiirroad ja -segud
- Waregem
- Belgia
Green October for Agriculture Develop Co. is reliable Company, what cultivates Asparagus since 14 years. We are the largest Company in the Middle East: 60 Fedan of Asparagus. Our local customers are... Loe edasi »
- Suhkrupeet | Kartulid | Maguskartul/bataat | Peet | Porgandid | Sibulad | Naerid | Mädarõigas | Porrulauk | P...
- Cairo
- Egiptus
Manufacturers and Exporters of Organic Manure, Organic Pesticides, Apple, Mangoes, Potatoes etc.
- Suhkrupeet | Kartulid | Maguskartul/bataat | Peet | Porgandid | Sibulad | Naerid | Paprikad | Tsukiinid/kabatšokid | ...
- New Delhi
- India
Our company GREEK FRUIT KOUTSOGIANNOPOULOS is a family business for imports and exports of fruits and vegetables. It was founded in 1985 by Anthony Koutsogiannopoulos in Andravida, in a total area 8... Loe edasi »
- Puuvili ja köögivili - import ja eksport | Kartulid
- Andravída
- Kreeka