Otsingu tulemused: Prügikastid
Leitud 330 ettevõttedKategooriad
Eelistatud nimekirjad on seotud: Prügikastid
Aminox is a proudly Mexican company, founded in 1975 and since then we have been characterized by the manufacture of high quality stainless steel, using the best raw materials and constantly... Loe edasi »
- Valamud ja kraanikausid | Kraanikausid, roostevabast terasest | Kraanikausid sokliga, metallist, emailitud | Valamud,...
- Iztapalapa
- Mehhiko
Our company is specialized in Bamboo products. Main products are all kinds of Bamboo clean brush ,Bamboo mirror,Bamboo bath brush and Bamboo Massage etc. We do OEM main for several USA, Europea and... Loe edasi »
- Vann harjad, käsnad ja keha puhastusseadmed | Massager | Prügikühvlid
- Hiina
In Savannah, GA, when it comes to maintaining a clutter-free environment, Veterans Easy Trash Service VETS - Savannah stands out with exceptional junk removal and dumpster rental services. Our focus... Loe edasi »
- Ämbrid | Prügikühvlid | Plastprügikastid | Plastkorv, majapidamise tarbeks | Pesukast, paberikorv/prügikast, plastist | ...
- Savannah
- USA Neitsisaared
CaterWeb is committed to providing the widest range of catering equipment and commercial refrigeration products to the hospitality, retail, and food industry. We supply high quality catering... Loe edasi »
- Vahvliküpseti, väikeköögi elektriseadmed | Vahvliküpsetid | Krepp tegijad | Pannkook tegijad | Vahvliküpsetajad | Mikse...
- johannesburg
- Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik
PRONAJEM-NADRZI.CZ company was founded in early 2012 based on a new concept of business. The aim of the management is offering comprehensive services in the areas of own resources of fuel, by renting... Loe edasi »
- Tööstuse tööpingid ja töökohasisustus, metallist | Laohoone, metallist | Õmblemine | Integreeritud arvutisüsteem, teenin...
- Ostrava
- Tšehhi
Manufacturer - Installer. Swimming pool tarpaulin, safety cover, bubble tarp, truck awning, flat, flexible partitions, upholstery for machines, collapsible tanks, panel wall fitting, machine... Loe edasi »
- Ruloode ja aknakatete riie | Gaasimahuti, lõõtsakujuline, plastist | Plastkarbid ja -kastid, juur- ja puuviljadele | P...
- Ewijk
- Prantsusmaa
Marketing, installation, conservation, maintenance and assembly of complete road sign and signal systems for roads, lanes, motorways, ports, airports, bridges, public and private work sites. Research... Loe edasi »
- Ehitusplatside märgid ja signaalid | Märgistamis- ja signaalseadmed ehitusplatsidele (laenutus/rentimine) | Tabalukud | ...
- Vitoria-Gasteiz
- Hispaania
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are manufacturer of premium quality energy drinks. Being one of the biggest industrial groups in Turkey, Royce energy drink is one of our pride products. Right after... Loe edasi »
- Leib | Paistetus | Mittealkohoolsed joogid | Energiajoogid | Muud köögitarbed | Woks | Ämbrid | Liköör | Viin | Läät...
- Istanbul
- Türgi
What is behind the success story of JRD as the renowned manufacturer and exporter of
Compression Moulding Machines.
Vacuum Compression Moulding Machines.
Transfer Moulding Machines.
Injection... Loe edasi »
- Sulgpallide komponendid, kummist | Kummiplokid, trükitähtede puhastamiseks | Nupplülitid, kummist | Kummipaelad ki...
- New Delhi
- India
Founder (Mr. Madhav Sharma) of Manglam International,established it in 2001.Their creative minds and talent to develop beauties in the handicrafts sector made their way in the world of crafts and... Loe edasi »
- Ostukonsultandid, kaubatundjad | Plastkatted põhineb metallide | Plastkatted, pihustatav, polüuretaan (PU) vaht | K...
- Ludhiana
- India
Excellence comes not from mere words, it comes from an urge to strive deliver. Kanak plastic introduces itself as a company with distinct reputation in the market as the manufacturer of... Loe edasi »
- Lillevaas, plastist | Plasttooted | Kuumaveepudelid, plastist | Postkast, plastist | Plastist vööplaskud | P...
- New Delhi
- India
We are a manufacturer of confectionery, cosmetic and fancy cans. We have our production facility in Boluo, Guangdong Province, China, and head office in Hong Kong. Continuously supplied materials... Loe edasi »
- Märgid | CD / DVD mängija kotid ja kastid | Münditaskud | CD kotid ja karbid | Tahvlit | Muud plaadid kontori-ja kooli |...
- Hongkong
A prominent ISO 9001.2008 certified company offering the best furniture created with specialized and unique features...Office Chairs, Executive Desks, Meeting Tables, Workstation Chairs, Office... Loe edasi »
- Konverents tabelid | Kapid, kodumaine, kingad | Peatsid, omamaise | Ajakirjade ja ajalehtede riiul, kodu- | Hatstands,...
- Mumbai
- India
Manufacture & Export of [Green feel series] 01.Zebra pencil Environment-Friendly Pencil - Zebra Color Paper Pencil Unique grip feeling of environment-friendly pencils with inspiring designs... Loe edasi »
- Puidu ja korgi laserlõikamine | Puidust nupud ja käepidemed | Puunööbid ja -pöörad | Puitvarvad ja puitriiulid, mitte...
- Altavilla Vicentina
- Lõuna-Korea
Searching for Paving Sealing In Mount Nasura is no more tension, here at Transformation Cleaning & Sealing Perth can help you out with water blasting, we are the experts on improving the look of... Loe edasi »
- Ämbrid | Prügikühvlid | Plastprügikastid | Plastkorv, majapidamise tarbeks | Prügikastid ja -korvid, kummist | Pabe...
- Mount Nasura
- Austraalia
Wide Tall Plastic Co. has been one of the leading PVC Inflatable manufacturers with an excellent reputation for over 36 years, and our factory is located in Shenzhen City (No. 1, Longtan Industrial... Loe edasi »
- Muud reklaamiteenused | Trellid elektrilised | Vannide | Cup ja trumlis omanikud | Bath padjad | Muud vann ja WC...
- Shenzhen
- Hiina
VSN Plastics Pvt Ltd
I Introduction
VSN plastics is a fast growth, quality centric injection moulding organization, based in Hyderabad, AP. Started in 2000 with one machine, VSN grew from that... Loe edasi »
- Survevalutooted, metallist | Hõõglambid (pilditehnika) | Asobenseen/asobensidiin/fenüülasobenseen | Allantoiin, dik...
- Hyderabad
- India
Introduction SOKO CO., LTD is one of the leading manufacturer of Fluorescent Induction Lamp (Electrode less lamp) in Korea. To comply with the global demands for energy conservation and environmental... Loe edasi »
- Adapterid, elektrilised pistik-pesa tüüpi | Jootma varrukad | Klemmiplokid ja -ribad | Elektrikaablikingad | Latistiku k...
- Gimpo
- Lõuna-Korea
Counting on the unrelenting efforts and expertise of our team, we, Elixir Trading Pvt. Ltd., have developed core competency in developing water purification systems and other products. We commenced... Loe edasi »
- Lillevaas, plastist | Kuumaveepudelid, plastist | Postkast, plastist | Plastist vööplaskud | Plastkonteiner/plastkarp, v...
- Delhi
- India
Prayaga Industries was incorporated in the month of July, 1990. The Company was started as a Plastic Moulding(injection and blow) Unit and has over the years gone on to specializing its operations... Loe edasi »
- Lillevaas, plastist | Plasttooted | Kuumaveepudelid, plastist | Mitmesugused plasttooted | Postkast, plastist |...
- Mumbai
- India
- Import/eksport, kummist ja plastmassist tooted | Autos'ampoonid | Määrde ja õli eemaldamisvahendid, mootorsõidukitele | ...
- Starachowice
- Poola
- Vannitihendid ja jätkulapid, plastist | Redelid, klaasplastist (GRP) | Lillevaas, plastist | Politsei ja tuletõrje k...
- Weinfelden
- Šveits
- Tööstusliku roiskvee puhastamine | Dus'iseadmed, elektriküttega, majapidamise tarbeks | Sauna küttekeha/saunakeris, ele...
- Brux
- Prantsusmaa