Otsingu tulemused: Tarbepuit
Leitud 643 ettevõttedglobalcatalog.com/ltdgorodnik.by
Ltd «Gorodnik» is a wood company from Belarus near the border with Poland .
We are produce such products as the glulam, KVH timber, timber imitation, imitation logs (blockhouse), wall paneling (... Loe edasi »
- Saematerjal | Tarbepuit | Saeveskitooted | Ümarpuit, okaspuu | Saetud, hööveldatud, kooritud, lõigatud ja immutatud pui...
- Brest
- Valgevene
OUR STORY really began in 1969, when founder Dave Wasmuth began buying softwood lumber for the U.S. rail market. In 1975, after operating a re-load yard in Surrey, focused on interior lumber for... Loe edasi »
- Metsandusteenused | Tarbepuit | Metsamaterjal. Saetud puit | Puit | Seedripuu | Puidu ehitus (kuusk) | Seeder | Kuusk |...
- Surrey
- Kanada
Founded in 1956, Tolko has grown from a small sawmill in Lavington, British Columbia, to become a company diversified by geography and product. Tolko manufactures lumber, unbleached kraft papers,... Loe edasi »
- Tarbepuidu saagimine | Tarbepuit | Vineer | Puittooted | Plywoods | Jõupaber | Jõupaber | Vineer | Vineer | Puidu t...
- Quesnel
- Kanada
UAB Grensena is a wood processing company. Areas of activity: construction wood and its processing, finishing wood, manufacture of wooden trays, manufacture of wooden houses from solid wood, wood... Loe edasi »
- Metsandus | Import ja eksport - puit | Puidu kuivatamine | Moodulehitised | Aiavarikatused | Kokkupandavad majad |...
- Judrenai
- Leedu
Lithuanian Joint Stock Company, has been in the timber business since 1996 and is a leading Lithuanian manufacture and exporter of kiln dried-planed and finger-jointed timber products, also... Loe edasi »
- Aiavarikatused | Aiamängud | Puitlauad | Mööbel raamid | Magamisasemete sõrestikud | Tarbepuit | Hööveldatud puit | Puid...
- Kaunas
- Leedu
IPE Parquet is a company that trades, distributes, imports and exports exotic wood and rough timber and provides storage, sorting and artificial drying services. The company distributes solid parquet... Loe edasi »
- Import ja eksport - puit | Tööstuslikud põrandad | Aiavarikatused | Tarbepuit | Saetud ja töödeldud puit | Vineer | Saep...
- Arveyres
- Prantsusmaa
We have been selling milled lumber and construction material for over 30 years. Whistler Forest Products provides a full range of products for you, such as all grades of lumber, timbers, finish... Loe edasi »
- Tarbepuit | Puittooted | Puittooted tootjad | Saematerjal tooteid
- Whistler
- Kanada
UAB BAGETA since its establishment in 1992 has expanded and become one of the biggest leaders in Lithuania and the Baltic region. Today our professional team and long-time experience in total wood... Loe edasi »
- Import ja eksport - puit | Import ja eksport - kivisüsi | Tarbepuit | Saetud ja töödeldud puit | Puidust pooltooted | Sa...
- Meskuiciai
- Leedu
The pine sawn timber (boards, beams, blanks for pallets, etc.). High quality pellets from wood sawdust (pine ) Our pellets meet the standard DIN+,DIN,we also have pellets promyślowy We have ... Loe edasi »
- Puittaimede | Tarbepuit | keelduda saadud kütuste (MES), tahke
- Vasilevka
- Ukraina
"AV Projects" ltd. produce, sells, supply and build up garden houses, log cabins, sheds, bathhouses, garages, carports, fences, vitreous or glass packet windows, wholly wooden doors and... Loe edasi »
- Moodulehitised | Muud aed hoonete | Aiavarikatused | Puitsisustus | Tarbepuit | Puidutooted | Tahked kütused | ...
- Vilnius
- Leedu
Swadlings Timber & Hardware has one the largest ranges of quality timber in New South Wales. As a family business with over 100 years in the trade, we are experts in timber and take pride in our... Loe edasi »
- Tarbepuidu saagimine | Tarbepuit | Ümarpuit, lehtpuu | Ümarpuit, okaspuu | Metsamaterjal. Saetud puit
- Sydney
- Austraalia
More than 3 decades ago the Upton family commenced supplying building materials to builders, handymen and the home renovator. Since then UPTONS has developed into a leading supplier of building... Loe edasi »
- Lükanduksed | Alumiiniumaknad | Alumiiniumaknad | Tarbepuit | Vineer | Ehitusmaterjalid, transport
- Epping
- Austraalia
Timberspan offers quality Douglas Fir timbers and lumber from Northern British Columbia. Our timbers are used by commercial and residential builders throughout Canada and US. We have the experience... Loe edasi »
- Metsaraieteenused | Tarbepuit | Hulgimüük saematerjal | Hulgimüük puit | Vineeri ja spooni tootjad | Lumber tootjad | Sa...
- Prince George
- Kanada
UAB “SIETUVA” expands its activity in the production of timber products: preparation and selling of firewood of various sorts. Timber desiccation and reheating services. Wide selection of con... Loe edasi »
- Puidu kuivatamine | Tarbepuit | Hööveldatud puit | Saetud ja töödeldud puit | Puidust pooltooted | Küttepuud | Puid...
- Kėdainiai
- Leedu
More than 3 decades ago the Upton family commenced supplying building materials to builders, handymen and the home renovator. Since then UPTONS has developed into a leading supplier of building... Loe edasi »
- Lükanduksed | Alumiiniumaknad | Ehitusmaterjalid ja -tarbed, uksed, aknad, tööriistad | Tarbepuit | Vineer
- Lavington
- Austraalia
CameroonTimberExportSarl is a leading exporter of quality Softwood, Industrial timber & lumber wood, and Speciality wood in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, and other locations in Canada.
- Tarbepuit | Metsade majandamine. Metsamaterjal. | Saetud, hööveldatud, kooritud, lõigatud ja immutatud puit | Tö...
- Douala
- Kamerun
Structures made from laminated wood; supply of made-to-measure laminated beams; roofing for public, industrial, sports and religious buildings; floorboards supplied and laid; construction of... Loe edasi »
- Spordirajatiste katused | Katusetööde ettevõtjad | Kokkupandavad majad | Tarbepuit | Puitraamistik
- Edolo
- Itaalia
Producing and sale of firewood for hearths and sawdust. Sale of fire starters. Purchase of wood raw material and sawdust. Producing and sale of dark and white bread and its products.
- Leib ja sai, koogid ja kondiitritooted | Tarbepuit | Saepuit | Küttepuud | Puidulaastud ja saepuru | Puidutooted | ...
- Kriaunos, Rokiskio r.
- Leedu
At The Bunker, we sell building and timber supplies at great prices. We specialise in plywood, sheeting, hardwood, decking, flooring and steel products. Our prices are super competitive, all prices... Loe edasi »
- Terasest traatvõrku | Tarbepuit | Saeveskitooted | Vineer | Vineer, lehtpuust
- Doonan
- Austraalia
- Puidu kunsttisleritöö | Puitmööbel, ajalooliste stiilide imitatsioon | Tarbepuit | Saepuit | Puitmarketrii | Põl...
- Andebu
- Norra
- Katuse puitkaar, sarikas, tala, pikitala, aampalk | Katuse fermid, sõrestik, puidust | Puittala, ajaloolise stiili ...
- Moelva
- Norra
Main activity of A.Krisikėnas' firm is solid fuel manufacturing: firewood, charcoal, kindling wood and blank ignition sticks manufacturing and export.
- Import ja eksport - puit | Tarbepuit | Saepuit | Küttepuud | Puidutooted | Tahked kütused | Puusüsi
- Leedu
United Logger is the production of wood chips and round timber trading company. The main activities of the professional energy and firewood selling and buying. We also provide timber service for... Loe edasi »
- Import ja eksport - puit | Hööveldamata puit | Tarbepuit | Saepuit | Küttepuud | Puidumass | Puidulaastud ja saepuru
- Saksaküla
- Eesti
Our company manufactures wooden furniture and other wood products for 10 years. We accept individual orders. The main products - outdoor furniture, wooden beds, tables, chairs. We have small wooden... Loe edasi »
- Lauad ja toolid | Lasteaiamööbel | Puitsisustus | Puitlauad | Tarbepuit | Puidutooted
- Pašilė
- Leedu