The euratec GmbH
is foundet in Hamburg in 1990. The sphere of activity from the Company ist
"european asia technology", short form: "euratec".
in 2006 we transfer our comany from Hamburg, to Westertimke / Low Saxony
Here we produce and devolped new products, based on full biological natural material, to high end products with inimitable properties.
Another important point demonstrate our environment friendy drying system, here we use the waste heat from powerhouse to dry our products.
One of our ambitious aim is " the no waste " company.
Our slogan "use more natural products than chemicals, your health has top priority"
To take our biological products in the whole world, we always look for business - partnerships with Wholeseller, agents, and customers, which presents our products on their market.
lets talk about our product portfolio:
- Environment protection with Terrasorb oil absorbents systems for use on land and water.
- Noise reduction with Terragran TG special dried Clay granulate to terminate sound, sonic, thermical insulation, fire retardant granulate,
- Terragran BS special clay granulate to seal drilling holes, build water sealing ground for fish ponds, natural swimming pools, dike foot sealing, disposal sealing.
- Aquapearl Peatpearl hot stuff to clean water on a full biological way, our granulate sinks the pH-Value and carbonate water range, so algae does not grow up. Best Water quality for fish and other pond user. These granulate is also usable for aquarium.
- Our business with Klinoptilolithe (Zeolithe) was grow up, because we only sell best quality from natural material. Zeolithe cleans our environment from smell, in water it adjust ammonium (fertilizer) and save therby the fish (fish breeding)
- Biological filter mateial for smell absorbtion
- Heating stuff in form from peletts, briquet
- Terrapearl plant granulat for plant in pots and buckets for professionel indoor greening, hotels, terrace and windowsill
- Wellness / spa Terrabath and Terra- activ peat premium reprocess dark peat for heat therapy and skin care, anti - stress.
- Special fertilizer for lawn, (golf, socker, polo, football)
- Terrafluid full biological wetting agent which takes care that substrates are easy to rewet total drying substrate Terrafluid is used in potting soils as well for professional use as for the privat sector. Besides potting soils it guarantee a perfect water absorption.
We use thousend of years old historical materials, to produce modern products to save the future.
Think green with us and sve our wonderful blue planet.
To get competitive market analyzes and better understanding for the culture,
we are looking for key account partner in asia and middle east
euratec GmbH
Find more information at the internet under eurate.de
To our concern complex involved follow companies:
TTN Techniker Team Nord engineering office
- cocepts for energy recovery, waste energy from power station, bio-gas plants, BHKW, KWK.
- TTN realize the direct association from customer to the industries, German "know how" to schedule turnkey projekt.
- World wide service for technical support electronic programming (Siemens S5 / S7 / WinCC)
- Delivery Service for Siemens Components automatisation, industry, electro -motors, components
- special components for explosive areas / EX -technolgy
- lightning systems for industry, office, street, special light
- emergency light, ex - light, emergency power stations
- power control systems, diesel power aggregats
- cabinet, cable and material for mounting electro - technology
August Strempel GmbH since 1908 but 102 years are not enough
Business field:
- photo voltaik systems
- solar thermie projects
- battery lightning systems
- solar street lights
- condensing boiler for bungalow, office and industrie
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