
  • 34, Sumbatashvili-Ujini Str
  • Tbilisi, 0101
  • Gürcüstan
  • Tel:995-77-774967
  • Faks:995-32-663742
  • Url:

Ana səhifə


Europal the largest company on the polish market engaged in trading in secondhand euro pallets, but we also supply pallets to many other european countries, including italy, germany, sweden, belgium and holland. This site contains all you need to order any number of pallets from any of our offices across poland. We have been present on the market for 12 years and, at present, we have 140 commercial outlets country-wide in which we employ 250 people. To find out how europal can help your operations and fulfill your secondhand pallet needs, please see our commercial offer and internet shop.

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