نتایج جستجو برای: بیوشیمی - محصولات
شرکت 453 یافتglobalcatalog.com/ecalbioco.cn
Ecalbio Co.; Ltd specialize in developing reagents of immunassay technology and biological systems with higher accuracy and reliability for results of the highest quality.
Ecalbio builds up... ادامه مطلب »
- محصولات بیوشیمیایی | شیمی - محصولات آزمایشگاهی
- چین
- خدمات در تعمیر، دستکش های صنعتی | ابرنس، پلاستیک، برای کارگران صنایع غذایی | ابرنس و pinafores برای بانوان | Dungarees و...
- Zagreb
- کرواسی
- بیوتکنولوژی | ترکیب دو ظرفیتی سیلیکون بور | فلوراید بور / بور trifluoride | هیدرید بور | یدید بور | از نیترید بورون | فس...
- Bucharest
- رومانی
Hubei JHchemco Internation Trade Co., Ltd. specializes in the supply and manufacture of fine chemical raw materials including chemical intermediates, API, iodine compounds, halides, and more.... ادامه مطلب »
- خدمات سفارشی شیمیایی | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Wuhan
- چین
The Biokimica Group is the most representative European chemical centre in the field of chemicals for tanning. We combine a major investment policy and technological innovation with significant... ادامه مطلب »
- مواد شیمیایی - صادرات و واردات | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Villasanta
- ایتالیا
Nudwin is a ligal register company in Spain with registration number B02485613, We deal on crude glycerin, bio diesel, vegetable oil, Palm kernel oil, Palm kernel Cake, Palm kernel shell , Fatty... ادامه مطلب »
- انرژی - تجدید پذیر | نارگیل تازه | مواد اولیه لوازم آرایشی و بهداشتی | بیوشیمی - محصولات...
- Albacete
- اسپانیا
Shanghai Winhong Biology Technology Co., Ltd. (WHB) is a professional developer, manufacturer and global supplier of disposable plastic labware. With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices... ادامه مطلب »
- لوله های سانتریفوژ | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Shanghai
- چین
Specialists in vegetable-based chemical products for industry: bitumen removers, non-stick agents, antitack agents for manufacture, transportation, laying and removal of road surfaces. Lubricant... ادامه مطلب »
- تمیز کردن و نگهداری محصولات صنعتی | روغن های صنعتی | بیوشیمی - محصولات...
- Clermont
- فرانسه
BluxCosmetics Company was established in 1992, primarily as a merchant enterprise specialising in car chemistry. Nowadays we are one of the major household, car care and cosmetics manufacturers in... ادامه مطلب »
- شستشو و تمیز کننده | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Trzciana
- لهستان
QUFU HAITAO INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.,LTD is a integrated import & export trading company, lies in the Easter Holy City QUFU,which is the world famous thinker,Confucius's home town. Our... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات | محصولات مراقبت از پوست
- Qufu
- چین
Sunson Industry Group Co., Ltd. (here in after called Sunson) is a China-based corporation engaged in the research, exploitation, production and marketing of microbial enzyme preparations. During... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Beijing
- چین
Tecom Science Corporation specializes in manufacturing, selling and developing high tech medical equipment and in-vitro diagnostic reagents. Founded in 1992, Tecom has established four science parks... ادامه مطلب »
- ابزار تحلیلی بالینی | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Nanchang
- چین
We are one of the ISO 9001, ISO 2276 Cosmetics-Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified leading manufacturer of cosmetic in Taiwan. Our company was found in 1977 as a professional... ادامه مطلب »
- صورت دباغ | بیوشیمی - محصولات | محصولات مراقبت از پوست
- Taizhong
- تایوان
Founded in 1992, our company is an outstanding manufacturer of medical equipment.
We specialize in researching, manufacturing and marketing clinical semi-auto and auto analyzers, diagnostic... ادامه مطلب »
- تمیز کردن تجهیزات | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Changchun
- چین
Beijing Geyuantianrun Bio-tech Co., Ltd. is specialized in the development and production of various high purity Bio Protease products with advanced extraction purification techniques. Along with... ادامه مطلب »
- واسطه سموم گیاهی | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Beijing
- چین
Plamed Science Technology Inc. is a high-tech enterprise leaded by the R&D of new products with independent researching center with experienced and skillful scientists including pharmacists,... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Xi’an
- چین
Guangzhou Meike Biotech Co., Ltd is a manufacture, has gained self-support right of import and export, located in Guangzhou.Our products are wildly used in cleaning and protecting car interior... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Guangzhou
- چین
GL Biochem is an internationally well-recognized peptide reagent, custom peptide and antibody manufacturing company with a 350,000 sq ft headquarter based in Shanghai and a total of 5 global... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Shanghai
- چین
Our company is a unit of Yaying Holding Group (Hong Kong), which is specialized in the research and development, production and sale of natural spices and natural plant active component... ادامه مطلب »
- روغن زنجبیل | بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Changsha
- چین
Beijing LeQuan Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. is a market driven company, it is involved in research, development and manufacturing aimed at pioneering advanced practical in vitro diagnostics for meeting... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Beijing
- چین
BCT Systems Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of In-Vitro diagnostic products for Home and Clinical use in China, and focuses on developing modern advanced technology about In-vitro diagnostic... ادامه مطلب »
- بیوشیمی - محصولات
- Shenzhen
- چین