
  • Gullubaglar Mh. Sanayi CD. No: 27 Dolayoba
  • Istanbul, İstanbul
  • トルコ
  • 電話番号:90-216-3075720
  • ファックス:90-216-3072849
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Farmavet International has been doing its Research Development based on scientific foundations along with fellow companies since 1983. Farmavet serves to the livestock sector by RD , production and marketing actions on Feed Water Additives for Animal Health Nutrition; and ,that has determined its mission to be productive, not to be passive; which is shown in the results of its international, added value / import-export activities.

Farmavet International realizes its intensive RD and scientific activities together with respectable Universities 'Veterinary MedicinesFaculties of Agriculture all over the world.The Farmavet Scientific Research Group consists of academicians who have different professions and, Farmavet International's own experienced staffs who have worked on this field for many years. Farmavet International keeps own finger on the pulse of sector with its scientific research staffs on the field,who determine the requirements of the sector and share the results of their analysis with the sector officials.A reference guide for technical and practical magazine named as BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR NUTRITIONAL FARM ANIMALS, and SOME SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO THE PRODUCTION OF MIXED FEED has been presented to the sector. Also,the analyses of the team are published by an AA classified sector magazine both national and international. The activities of scientific working group also consist of scientific working group also consist of scientific communion meetings,seminars and symposiums both national and international. The book FARMAGULATOR XP is also one of the useful sources for the sector which includes many researches on HUMATS and Farmagulator, has been published at the end of 2007.

All the products of Farmavet International are under the ISO quality; and the facilities which approved by Ministry of Agriculture, have EU number to be able to export to Europe. It has been publishing a technical and scientific review,GLOBAL FARMING, which is the first in the sector for a multilingual magazine and this review has been reached to the foreign and domestic sector companies since February 2005.

And currently, we are glad to let you know;apart from its current facility in which in Istanbul,Dolayoba Industry Zone, Farmavet International is going to enlarge its production capacity by a second factory that is equipped with ultra modern machines inside 2.500 m2 closed area established on 12.000 m2 open area in one of the popular Salihli Industry Zone.

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