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Reactors, current limiting
Reactors, saturable
Reactors for current rectifiers
Rectifiers, bridge
Rectifiers, electronic, solid state
Rectifiers, semiconductor
Rectifiers, mechanical
Rectifiers, high vacuum
Rectifiers, mercury vapour
Rectifiers, power, Xenon feed
Rectifiers, pool cathode mercury-arc
Rectifiers, cathodic
Rectifiers, vibrating
Rectifiers, voltage and current stabilised
Micro rectifiers
Rectifiers for arc lamps
Rectifiers for electroplating and electrophoresis
Rectifiers for battery chargers
Rectifying equipment, thermionic valve/tube
Choppers and vibrators (electric component)
Field suppression pillars
Heat sinks/dissipators, electrical
Reactance coils
Accessories for transformer stations
Transformer components
Ballasts, electric
Transformers, isolation testing
Transformers, barrier, for data modems
Transformers, flyback/line output
Transformers, electronically controlled
Transformers, integrated services digital network (ISDN) interface
Transformers for electrical medical appliances
Transformers for the motor vehicle industry
Transformers for ships
Transformers for lighting systems
Transformers, airfield/airport lighting
Transformers for lifts and hoists
Transformers for burners
Transformers for electric industrial furnaces
Safety transformers to national standards
Transformer stations, mobile
Transformer stations, underground
Transformer stations, medium/low voltage (MV/LV), compact column design
Transformer stations for wind generators
Transformers, magnetic amplifier
Transformers, ferromagnetic resonance
Transformers, instrument
Transformers, current
Transformers, driver
Transformers, Hall effect
Transformers, flameproof and explosion proof
Transformers, resin cast or encapsulated
Transformers, miniature and subminiature
Transformers, distribution
Transformers, planar
Transformers, traction
Transformers, welding
Transformers, audio frequency/audio
Transformers, radio frequency (RF)
Transformers, television
Transformers, X-ray
Transformers, diode split
Transformers, inverter circuit
Transformers, ferrite
Motors, AC, single phase, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, single phase, repulsion, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, two phase, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, three phase, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, variable speed, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, linear, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, medium voltage (MV), over 1 kW
Motors, AC, brushless, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, drip-proof, over 1 kW
Motors, DC, over 1 kW
Motors, DC, variable speed, over 1 kW
Motors, DC, linear, over 1 kW
Motors, DC, ultra-high speed, over 1 kW
Motors, high frequency, over 1 kW
Motors, frequency converter, over 1 kW
Motors, synchronous, over 1 kW
Motors, asynchronous, over 1 kW
Motors, linear, stepping, over 1 kW
Motors, linear, variable reluctance, over 1 kW
Motors, linear direct drive, over 1 kW
Motors, squirrel cage, over 1 kW
Motors, self-braking, over 1 kW
Motors, constant current, over 1 kW
Motors, vertical, hollow shaft, over 1 kW
Motors, vertical, solid shaft, over 1 kW
Motors, slip ring, over 1 kW
Motors, worm gear, over 1 kW
Motors, soundproof, over 1 kW
Motors, submersible, over 1 kW
Motors, flameproof and explosion proof, over 1 kW
Motors, high temperature resistant, over 1 kW
Motors, external rotor, over 1 kW
Motors, commutator, over 1 kW
Motors, traction, over 1 kW
Motors, marine, over 1 kW
Motors, loom, over 1 kW
Motors, over 1 kW, for vibrators
Motors, over 1 kW, for lifts, elevators and mechanical handling equipment
Motors, over 1 kW, for rolling mills
Motors, over 1 kW, for the nuclear industry
Motors, over 1 kW, for industrial sewing machines
Motors, over 1 kW, with electronic regulation
Servo-motors, AC and DC, over 1 kW
Torque motors, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, bell-ringing, over 1 kW
Motors, AC, single phase, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, single phase, repulsion, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, single phase, repulsion start induction, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, three phase, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, variable speed, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, linear, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, change pole, up to 1 kW
Motors, AC, shaded pole, up to 1 kW
Motors, DC, up to 1 kW
Motors, DC, variable speed, up to 1 kW
Motors, DC, linear, up to 1 kW
Motors, DC, ultra-high speed, up to 1 kW
Motors, linear direct drive, up to 1 kW
Motors, squirrel cage, up to 1 kW
Motors, high frequency, up to 1 kW
Motors, fractional, up to 1 kW
Motors, synchronous, up to 1 kW
Motors, low inertia, up to 1 kW
Motors, piezoelectric, up to 1 kW
Motors, universal, up to 1 kW
Motors, stepping, up to 1 kW
Motors, stepping, linear, up to 1 kW
Motors, battery operated, up to 1 kW
Motors, miniature, up to 1 kW
Motors, split phase, up to 1 kW
Motors, capacitor and capacitor start, up to 1 kW
Motors, soundproof, up to 1 kW
Motors, submersible, up to 1 kW
Motors, flameproof and explosion proof, up to 1 kW
Motors, high temperature resistant, up to 1 kW
Motors, clutch-incorporated, up to 1 kW
Motors, brushless, up to 1 kW
Servo-motors, AC and DC, up to 1 kW
Servo-motors, brushless, up to 1 kW
Motors, worm gear, up to 1 kW
Motors, tuning control, up to 1 kW
Motors, printed circuit, up to 1 kW
Motors, sewing machine, up to 1 kW
Motors, record player or tape recorder
Motors, spin-drier, up to 1 kW
Motors, curtain operating, domestic, up to 1 kW
Motors, furniture height adjustment, up to 1 kW
Motors, awning, blind, and shutter operating, up to 1 kW
Motors for vibrators, up to 1 kW
Motors for surgical applications, up to 1 kW
Motors, up to 1 kW, for lifts, elevators and mechanical handling equipment
Motors, up to 1 kW, for fans and ventilators
Motors, up to 1 kW, for instruments
Motors, up to 1 kW, for washing machines
Motors, up to 1 kW, for air conditioners
Coils, radio frequency (RF)
Coils, induction
Coils, deflecting
Coils, focusing
Coils, high temperature
Coils, high voltage (HV)
Coils, magnetising
Coils, transformer
Coils, armature
Coils, contactor and switch
Coils, self-inductance, variable
Coils, relay, electromechanical
Coils, miniature
Coils, repeating
Coils for telecommunications
Coils for nuclear reactors
Spark ignition coils for electronic circuits
Rectifiers, welding
Coil end leads
Coils, arc suppression (Petersen coils)
Coils, search (exploring)
Toroids or toroidal coils
Coils, Pupin, for telephone lines