
  • 318-13, Choil-dong, Hanam-city
  • Hanam, 京畿
  • 대한민국
  • 전화:82-2-34260013
  • 팩스:82-2-34260014
  • URL:

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Fine all corp. Is your source!

Fine all corp. Is a diversified manufacturer of narrow fabrics that has been providing high quality products for over 20 years.

We offer commodity webbing such as polypropylene, cotton, nylon and polyester.

Our production includes both elastic and non-elastic constructions in solid, multi-color and jacquard patterns.

Fine all corp. Can knit, weave or braid any type of narrow babric required.

We also prduces finished products such as web belts, strap and cord assemblies, pet products, lanyards and more!

Call on fine all corp. To provide what you need with great price when you need it!

Fine all corpation...

Our corporate goal has always been to provide superiorproducts at a fair price. Our experience can gide you in making your product more distinctive and attractive.

Through our ongoing product research and development, we are able to offer innovative materials - to keep your products competitive in appearance and functionality.

We can consolidate all the raw materials for your sewn products.

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