
  • No 3 Jalan Bakar Arang, Hadapan Smk Che Tom
  • Sungai Petani, Kedah, 08000
  • マレーシア
  • 電話番号:60-4-4218733
  • ファックス:60-4-4259493
  • ウェブページ:



As Malaysia is recognized as the pioneer of the game Sepak Takraw, " Gajah Emas ", a company incorporated in Malaysia as such is committed to the manufacture of world class "Sepak Takraw" balls and equipment. We aim to nurture a sense of patriotism in our youth by actively sponsoring meets, competitions and activities...both locally and abroad. Most important, we aim to strive harder so as to bring Malaysia's National Game to all areas of the world....

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