
  • Aspvägen 21
  • Alstermo, Kronoberg, 36075
  • Sweden
  • Tel:+46 481 619 00
  • Fax:+46 481 617 47
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GFAB lindberg & co AB is a provider of products and services such as replacement services, windscreen, motor vehicle,door frames, light alloy and aluminium,door frames, bronze, ornamental,door frames, metal, plastic coated,door and window frames, stainless steel,door and window frames, metal, for dry partitions,window frames, metal, for double glazing,window frames, aluminium and light alloy,window frames, metal, plastic coated,window frames, metal, ornamental,window frames, metal, double-glazed,window frames, metal, leaded light,window frames, hopper type, metal,window frames, sliding and folding, metal,window frames, casement, metal,window frames, sash, metal,shop window frames, steel,shop window frames, aluminium,roof lights, dome, metal,roof lights, lantern, metal,roof lights, ventilating, metal,floor lights, metal framed,hatch windows, metal, sliding, for reception areas,contractors, metal window systems,doors, metal, for hangars and warehouses,doors, metal, wardrobe,doors, metal, external entrance,doors, metal, internal, non-industrial,doors, metal, for atomic shelters and nuclear power stations,doors, metal, safety, for tunnels,doors and closures, metal, for silos,trap doors, metal,swing doors, metal,door units, metal, complete,doors, metal, for pressure containers and storage cylinders,doors, glass,windows, iron framed,windows, steel framed,windows, bronze framed,windows, aluminium framed,windows, circular, metal,windows, louvred, metal,windows, metal, for offshore applications,windows and hatches, metal, nuclear plant,window systems, power operated, metal,window systems, manual, metal,sheet glass, opaque,sheet glass, flat, drawn,sheet glass, coloured,sheet and plate glass, curved,plate glass, enamelled,sheets, borosilicate glass,sheet glass, safety,glass, flat, ultra thin,glass, flat, fluted or ribbed,glass, flat, heat resistant,glass, flat, low emissivity,glass, flat, optical,glass, flat, polished plate,glass, flat, hammered,glass, flat, blown,glass, flat, bulletproof,glass, flat, float,glass, flat, rolled or cast,glass, flat, non-reflective,glass, flat, patterned/decorative,glass, flat, reproduction antique,glass, flat, wired (reinforced),glass, flat, printed,glass, flat, for loudspeakers,sheet glass for picture framing,glass, flat, opal,window glass,window glass, cathedral,window bullions, glass,wall cladding, glass,structural glass and glass sections,solar glass,glass, lead,glass, boron,glass, etched,glass, frosted,glass, mirror,glass, reflective,glass, laminated,glass, tempered/toughened,glass, laminated, for screens and shower cabinets,glass, tempered/toughened, for domestic electrical appliances,glass, solar control,ballroom flooring, glass,lighting panels, diffuser panels, glass,windows, radiation shielding,windscreens and windows, flat glass, tempered/toughened, for transport use,glass for photographic plates and slides,glass, fire-barrier,safety glass, laminated,glass, bullet resistant,glass, x-ray protection.

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