• F.sodovnikova 39
  • Rīga, LV-1003
  • Lotyšsko
  • Tel:00371-28877790
  • Fax:371
  • Url:

O nás


Global Distribution is the official representative for the biggest Latvian enterprise which works in field of production on organic fertilizers and soil conditioners made from high quality raw material SAPROPEL. We also represent a lot of other commodity producers all over the world - Firewood, Briquettes etc. Just ask for what you need.

- Origin of goods - EU/Latvia

- Factory price, price can vary depending on quantity, delivery type and etc.

- Packaging: Custom packaging, Big-Bags 800 - 500kg, bags 40-20 kg, 1L bottles and etc.

- Direct contract with factory.

Obchodné údaje

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Distribútor, Agent, Veľkoobchodník

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