
  • No 38, 13 street, Dist. 7
  • Ho Chi Minh, Hồ Chí Minh, 0084
  • 베트남
  • 전화:84-08-54330850
  • 팩스:84-08-37715188
  • URL:

회사 소개


Our company specializes in field of buying, selling, export and import stocks, cancelled orders, with products as:

Garments Stocks (jacket, shirt, dress, trouser): multiform material

Hat Stocks

Furniture Stocks

Shoes Stocks

Cuddly Troy Stocks

Handbag, leather briefcase, kit-bag, purse

If you have demand

Please contact:

GMT Co., Ltd

Have the honour of cooperation with your company

Best Regards,

비즈니스 데이터

사용할 수 없음

분배 자, 대리인, 도매업자

5 ~ 10명

사용할 수 없음

우리의 위치