• 103Building 6F, 2-14, Sugaharacyo, Kitaku
  • Osaka-Shi, Ōsaka, 530-0046
  • جاپان
  • ٹیلی فون:81-6-63607166
  • فیکس: ---.---.-----
  • یو آر ایل:

ہمارے بارے میں


We deal with hundreds of domestic and foreign business firms and handle manifold genres of products.

We buy up a large amount of maker disposal products and offer them lower price than a production cost price.

As we handle administration goods, we usually offer lower price than cost price.

We sell our own products nationwide various places by mail order like TV shopping, space, and catalog, etc.

We manage our own company EC site in Rakuten, Yahoo and Amazon.

کاروبار کے اعداد و شمار

دستیاب نہیں

ڈسٹریبیوٹر, تھوک فروش

5 - 10 لوگوں کو


ہمارے محل وقوع