
  • 18, Irit St.
  • Tene Omarim, 90408
  • Israel
  • Tel:972-2-9605040
  • Faks:972-722-503088
  • Url:

Oor Ons


Notably, in Israel there is a particularly large number of

Medicinal plants due to its geographical location in a

Junction of continents, and due to the harsh desert

Climate in various regions which requires plants to

Possess a large arsenal of compounds for self-protection

And preservation.

The scarcity of rain improves the quality of oil obtained

From plants growing in the region.

Herbs Of Kedem was established in 1996 and focuses

On preparation of 100% natural therapy products,

Using natural herbs, primarily from the Judaea Desert.

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11 - 50 mense


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