• 60, Artema
  • Kiev
  • 우크라이나
  • 전화:380-44-3624915
  • 팩스:380-44-4843289
  • URL:

회사 소개


Green Energy T, LLC is a rapidly developing company working on energy and agricultural markets of Ukraine. Company Green Energy T deals with the production and distribution of the agricultural and fuel-milled peat, products made of peat. Company owns approximately 6,000 hectares of peat deposits located in Lviv, Volyn, Rivne and Kyiv regions.

비즈니스 데이터

사용할 수 없음

제조업 자, 도매업자, 분배 자

사용할 수 없음

사용할 수 없음

우리의 위치