• Rm 1401, Haozhuang, Western Coast Of South Lake, No. 1 Changyuan Rd
  • , Guangxi, 53010
  • الصين
  • هاتف:+86 77 12 04 81 51
  • فاكس:+86 77 13 38 38 89
  • موقع إلكتروني:



Guangxi Chaoyan Rosin Plant is a major producer of Gum Rosin, Turpentine and various kinds of refined and modified rosin esters, which are widely used for the production of Adhesives, Ink, Paint and Coatings, Paper making, Textile printing, Synthetic Rubber etc. Guangxi Chaoyan Rosin Plant has a great advantage in geographical location, as it is located in the Nanning district, the major plantation of pine trees were the raw gum is directly harvested.

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