


GDS sells and services all products from Talladium, Candulor and PrimoTech.

We carry Zirconia Blocks for most milling systems; Low Fusing, Zirconia Porcelain and High Fusing Porcelains; Gold Alloys; Tilite Premium Biocompatible Alloy; Gypsums; Ceramic, Composite and PMMA Denture Teeth; Flexible Partial Denture Systems and Cartridges; Items for all of your fixed and removable lab needs. Denture bite recording instruments are also available.

Many of our products are tested independently from the manufacturer by a Certified Dental Technician to ensure the technical advantages you expect from our products.

We provide products that save you on time, labor and material costs as well as enable you to consistently and predictably produce premium restorations in your laboratory.

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