
  • Fairfield
  • Sydney, 2217
  • Αυστραλία
  • Τηλ:61-2-96320200
  • Φαξ:61-2-96320433
  • Διεύθυνση:

Αρχική σελίδα


H O is a well known manufacturer of Cleaning Products, Personal Care, Laundry and car care products. Distribution through out most grocery, pharmacy and variety store chains allows H O to intrduce new inovative products to the market.

With a total production and distribution facility of more that 6, 000 sqm H O Pharmaceuticals has the ability to manufacture more than 15 container per day with high speed filling lines. Being a vertically integrated company allows the flexibility of producing bottles and caps to suit any customers requirements in house.

When quality and price really count speak to us at H O Pharamceuticals Pty Ltd

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