• 8f-3, No. 206, Sec. 2, Nanking E. Rd.
  • , Taibei, 1048
  • تايوان
  • هاتف:886-2-25022575
  • فاكس:886-2-25068423
  • موقع إلكتروني:

من نحن


Our company has been engaged in Pharmaceutical and Medical equipment for years. According to the trend of industry development, we found that people need an integrated solution of pharmaceutical and medical equipment instead of individual product.

Therefore, in 2003, Dr. Yan Dr. Wang invited experts from Bio-tech and Medical equipment Pharmaceutical industry to build up the platform - Hannox, for serving our customers with an integrated total solution.

Hannox is dedicated to developing innovative and competitive services. We share what we have and support our customers to succeed in market.

Let us develop together just like you are a member of our big family.

بيانات العمل


الصانع, موزع

11 حتي 50 شخصا

