
  • Three Yew Trees
    Newton St Margarets
  • Hereford, HR2 0QG
  • בריטניה
  • תל:01981510267
  • פקס:07876 807 482
  • כתובת אתר:

דף הראשי


Computer Services in Hereford

We are an independent telecommunications consultancy offering services to the public and private sector.

The Senior Partner is a Memebr of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET)

Large consultancies are able to provide a comprehensive range of services to their clients. But all too often the resources initially appointed to an assignment may change and continuity is not maintained. The client may also find that much of the work is being undertaken by bright but inexperienced analysts who are not able to offer the breadth of knowledge that is often so necessary in some assignments.

Costs can also rapidly escalate with some consultancies. Their fees have to cover large overheads and payroll costs.

Some suppliers may offer “free” consultancy to potential clients but the costs of providing the consultancy will ultimately be passed onto clients through increased charges for telecom systems and services. Our pricing structures are fully visible to the client.

We are able to keep our overheads low as we do not maintain large prestigious offices, we employ and collaborate with other independent experts as required and work with our clients to develop specific work packages that meet their needs and their budget.


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